About Us
Our Mission
Our Vision
Help others connect to Jesus and make a difference.
Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 4:18-19
Our Values
We treat people with dignity and love, understanding that Jesus died for everyone.
Jesus came to serve so we follow His example in serving others.
Our Beliefs
We believe that the gospel of Christ is the hope of the world, and it's the heart of the church to bring that hope to others. This belief is the foundation of our church and informs all we preach, teach, and practice.
Our Pastors

Bob and Karyn Stephan have served in various ministry roles for almost 4 decades. They've built leadership teams, served on multiple advisory boards and strategic planning teams, and have spent their entire marriage pouring into and loving God’s church. They are bi-vocational pastors who also run a thriving real estate brokerage. Their's is a blended family of 8 adult children and 13 grandchildren. Together they are leading Pursuit Church SA in the vision to help people connect to Jesus and make a difference.